2025 Bill Keating Jr. Memorial Cincinnati Para Swimming Open

May 10 & 11, 2025, with Classification May 9, 2025. *This accommodates the overall World Para meet schedule.

Location: Saint Xavier High School Campus 616 W. North Bend Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45224  

Registration Deadlines: April 27, 2025

Early registration Deadline to secure classification slot: April 13, 2025.
(note classification documentation must be submitted separately).

US Para Swimming Foundation Clinics (1 & 2): May 9, 2025

This meet serves as the largest non-championship meet for U.S. Paralympics in the United States. This year's competition is at the Keating Natatorium on the St. Xavier High School campus, home of the Cincinnati Marlins. The meet brings many new swimmers into the Paralympic Movement to compete and represent their respective Paralympic teams nationally and internationally. In addition, this meet is a significant competition for U.S. Paralympics Swimming to recruit the next generation of athletes and invite current national team members to serve as leaders and role models.

*All information for the 2025 meeting is located under sign-ups. This information is updated regularly with new information. Please check back.

Information from the 2024 Meet can be located under the 2024 Meet tab.

What to know about classification at a BKJM meet.

Complete information, links, and emails are in the meet book under the classification section.

Athletes with Physical Impairments (PI) seeking classification.

Athletes with a physical impairment must visit https://www.teamusa.org/usparaswimming/classification and complete the national Medical Diagnosis form (MDF) to confirm their impairment and submit it to NPCUSAclassification@usopc.org by date above.

The athlete MUST BE entered in this meet to be considered for an appointment and attend your classification evaluation at the pool on Friday at your designated time. Athletes are expected to be flexible on your availability that day.

What to expect during your designated classification slot  

●      Physical Assessment - A series of functional ability tests performed by a Medical Classifier
●      Technical Assessment -A series of practical ability tests observed by a Technical Classifier. This is a private assessment involving the athlete and or parent and the classifier.
●      Provisional Sport Class Allocated -Based on the results of both of the above tests, athletes are allocated a provisional sport class. 
●      Observation in Competition -Will confirm or alter the provisional sport class allocation.

Athletes with Intellectually Impaired / PI seeking classification 

Criteria and information on the application process can be found here: https://www.usparaswimming.org/classification

All applications are through Athletes Without Limits.

No physical evaluation or appointment is required, and the application can be done at any time. Still, please allow several weeks if applying for this meet.

Athletes with Visually Impaired / VI seeking classification

Visually Impaired athletes must visit and complete the national VI classification form there and submit it to NPCUSAclassification@usopc.org to apply. 

The application can be submitted at ANY time, and you do not need to be entered in this meet. Still, please allow a minimum of 2 weeks to apply for this week.


1. Can I get a refund? My plans changed/travel fell through/unable to complete my MDF in time/….

We are sorry, but we cannot provide refunds. We are a non-profit with limited resources and run a tight budget. Please work out your travel and other plans BEFORE registering for this meet.

2. How do I know if I’m USA Swimming Registered and/or register with USA Swimming

  • Please consult with your coach on this requirement.    Your coach can confirm your membership and/or register you with USA Swimming.

  • Review your membership card to verify you meet the requirements BEFORE registering for the meet.     Your card can be found online by logging into USA Swimming website.    Your coach can help!

  • Looking for a coach? See the last FAQ below!

3. I need a PI classification, OR I am renewing my previous one. What do I need to do?

●      Register Early. (see deadline for early registration in the meet information).. While all attempts are made to schedule everyone, slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis for applicants needing a classification to prepare and schedule appropriately. 

●      Submit your MDF. A request cannot be completed without the completed MDF and takes some time to be reviewed.

●      Plan your travel to be available FRIDAY before the meet. The schedule is usually published about a week before the meeting. Special requests for time cannot be met.

●      The USOPC team handles classifications.

●      You may be required to enter/swim additional event(s) to finalize your evaluation. The Entry Chair will make those changes as provided by USOPC.

4. I’m with a team. Can my Coach attend?

YES! Coaches are welcome and permitted on deck with a deck pass. Please refer to the separate process found in the meet book) to request a Deck Pass.

5. Will my times get into SWIMS?

 YES! This meet in a sanctioned USA Swimming meet competing under WPS rules. To ensure your times are uploaded to SWIMS, You are required to  provide your USA Swimming Registration number and USA Team and LSC code in your registration. (For example, Cincinnati Marlins would be CM, with LSC OH). Ask your coach if you need clarification on this information.

6.    I am NOT with a team, or my coach can’t attend. May I still compete?

YES! At registration, please indicate that you will NOT have a coach attending.   

USOPC members will provide any coaching assistance you need at the meet.

7.    I’m new to US Para-Swimming. How can I learn more?

You’ll find a lot of information on the USOPC website. Take the time to read, and then read again as the information is updated frequently. Consider attending the Developmental/Emerging Camp (parents/coaches may attend with their athlete) to learn from USOPC members who will provide coaching in the pool.

8.    Do I need a classification to attend the meet?

YES! This meet is intended for para-swimmers ONLY. If you are unsure if you     meet the Visually/Mentally Impaired requirements, please apply for those early.

9.    How is this meet seeded and scored?

Swimmers will compete together, seeded by entry time as entered in your registration.

Results will be listed by Classification. There are no awards at this meet.

10.    Who runs this meet?

●      This meet is run by an organization of volunteers, under the oversight and direction of USOPC and according to all USOPC rules and regulations.

●      We are funded by the Enabling Possibilities Foundation. Sponsorships and donations are accepted.      

●      USOPC runs all camps and clinics. 

●      This is a USA Swimming-sanctioned meet. If you include your USA Swimming ID # in your registration, your times will be uploaded into the SWIMS database.

11. I want to develop my swimming skills further, how?

YES! Many teams coach and develop all swimmers, regardless of impairment. Please contact Kris Goodrich,centralpararegioncoach@gmail.com  for more information.